Recent News
Best Practices in Treatment Court Training
Best Practices in Treatment Court: A Training with Doug Marlowe We are pleased to announce that we will sponsoring a training session with Douglas B. Marlowe, J.D., Ph.D. Douglas B. Marlowe is a Senior Scientific Consultant for the National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP) and Senior Science & Policy Advisor for Alcohol Monitoring Systems. The event will take place on Wednesday, October 20th, from 9:00am-3:00pm in the Harding
2021 Suicide Prevention Walk Registration
The Crawford County Walk for Suicide Prevention will be held on Saturday, September 18th at 9:30am. You can register online here: or Download the registration forms using this link: For more information, please contact the Crawford-Marion ADAMH Board at (419) 562-7288.
Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) – October 18-21
We will be sponsoring a Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) in October. This event is for all police officers, sheriff deputies, EMT's and dispatchers. Seating will be limited, please contact us at (419) 562-7288 to reserve your seat.
Peer Recovery Supporter Opportunity November 15-19
If you know of anyone in recovery that has two years sobriety, we will be conducting a training for Peer Recovery Supporters (Recovery Coaches). This will be for Marion and Crawford Counties. This is a 40 hour training, which will also require additional training online (ebased academy) to be certified as a Peer Recovery Supporter (Recovery Coach). The training is virtual and starts the week of November 15th and
Galion Grief Share Support Group June 16 – September 8
Know someone grieving? Weekly Grief Support Group- Summer Session First Lutheran Church 127 South Columbus St. Galion, Ohio 44833 Wednesdays from 1:00 to 3:00 PM June 16, 2021 - Sept 8, 2021 For more information and registration please call: Cathy at 419-571-5948 or First Lutheran Church at 419-468-3107
Street Smart Ohio October 21st
Join us for this FREE, eye-opening drug education program designed specifically for adults. Presented by OHIO HIDTA, Street Smart Ohio is perfect for parents, teachers, social workers, pastors, youth leaders, community partners, or anyone who works with young people. You'll learn about current drug trends, terminology, paraphernalia, and influences of the drug culture on children. October 21st from 4:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m. at Victory in Truth Ministries in Bucyrus. To
Avanzar Juntos Podemos Events
Tendremos un entrenamiento en salud mental para nuestra comunidad de habla hispana. La información esta en el folleto a continuación. We will have mental health trainings for our Spanish speaking community. The information is in the flyer below.
Advocate of the Year
The Crawford-Marion ADAMH Board nominated the Crawford County Suicide Prevention Coalition for consideration of the Advocate of the Year Award and won. The Advocate of the Year Award is an annual award to recognize an international education advocate who has excelled in grassroots advocacy. This Coalition was founded approximately 20 years ago in partnership of the Crawford-Marion ADAMH Board with a small group of family members that
ADAMH awarded with a Drug Free Communities (DFC) Support Grant
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, has awarded the Crawford-Marion Board of Alcohol Drug Addiction and Mental Health (ADAMH) a Drug-Free Communities (DFC) Support grant for Marion County. For more information, please see the attached press release.
Suicide in Ohio: four-part video series (OhioMHAS)
The Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (OhioMHAS) today announced the release of a four-part video series focused on prevention of suicide and supports for people with mental health concerns. Suicide in Ohio: Conversations, was developed in partnership with the Ohio Suicide Prevention Foundation (OSPF). If someone you know exhibits one or more of these signs, experts suggest the following actions: Take the person seriously
Free Drive-Thru Narcan Training November 30th
Please join us Monday, November 30th from 12:00-1:00pm at the Real Life Nazarene Church for our Drive Thru Narcan Training. You will not have to leave your car to receive the training and your kit.
Suicide Prevention “Gatekeeper” Training
Ohio Suicide Prevention Foundation believes in investing in gatekeeper trainings and there is a significant investment in each trainer. Please know that QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) trainers are needed desperately in Ohio. If you feel as if you may not be able to make these opportunities in December, please allow others to register in order to provide the best service to all. Becoming a certified trainer of QPR’s industry-leading