Drug Take Back Day April 30
April 30th is nationally recognized as National Drug Take Back Day, which is a safe,
April 30th is nationally recognized as National Drug Take Back Day, which is a safe,
You are invited to attend enCompass, a comprehensive training on navigating addiction for Ohioans. The
Free ‘Mental Health First Aid’ Training will be offered April 12th from 8:00am-5:00pm at the
In response to the opioid epidemic, ADAMH will be hosting a free Narcan training on
Please join us January 20th for a Town Hall Meeting at Tri-Rivers Career Center. The
October 23 is nationally recognized as National Drug Take Back Day, which is a safe,
In the fight against Ohio’s opioid epidemic, Healthy State Alliance — a strategic alliance of
Join us for the tenth annual Community Care March on October 16 at Avita Hospital.
Best Practices in Treatment Court: A Training with Doug Marlowe We are pleased to announce
The Crawford County Walk for Suicide Prevention will be held on Saturday, September 18th at